Sunday, August 23, 2009


Ok, so I have to admit that I am the worst blogger ever! I guess time has just gotten away from me and I just now realized that it has been 2 months since I last posted. BAD BAD Blogger! Please forgive me!
So not much new has been going on. It is still summer time and it has been pretty warm here.

My garden has grown a ton. I have grown a few mammoth sized zucchini. My plant gave birth to a hefty 4 lb 7 ounce baby! It was about 2 feet long! It was huge. I kept it on the counter for a few days so that I could decide what to use it for. I kept it mainly for home protection. I figured that if we had an intruder, I could grab the beast and use it as a baseball bat. Or, I could use it as a shield to protect myself! I ended up turning that gigantic thing into 10 cups of shreds and stuck them in the freezer so that I could use them later on for breads and treats. If it wasn't so late, and so dark, I would snag a picture to post. Someone leave me a comment and remind me to post that picture!

How is your summer going? Anything new and exciting happening? August is almost over, and September looks like it will be a busy month! We have birthdays to celebrate, a sorority convention to plan and host, my aunt visiting from California, and then a wedding to attend on the coast. Did I mention I turn the big 3-0 also? YIKES!!!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Happy b-day whenever it is/was! I didn't find this post right away because I thought you had disappeared. ;)