Here are a few pics of my raised bed garden. Everything is slow to grow- except for the lettuce. I have to pick it every other day or else it just goes wild! Good thing we like salads! We had some cold weather last nite, so I am hoping that the tomatoes weren't harmed. I guess I will find out this summer when I have a plant with no tomaters growing on it.
These planter boxes were easy and inexpensive to make. We used cedar fence panels from Home Depot (less than $2 a panel). If I had to guess, I would say the wood and materials for the 4 boxes were less than $20 total. Pretty cheap. The dirt, not so cheap. I did buy everything at different times, and I didn't keep track of the cost. But I do know that we will be able to reuse the soil and only have to add a little bit more next time we plant. I would bet that I have way more money invested into this project than we will ever get out of it. Good thing we aren't doing it to save money- I want fresh veggies right outside of my door. I want to be able to share with others, or try growing something that I might not normally eat.
From left to right we have celery and zucchini, mixed peppers ( jalapeno, green, and sweet colored peppers), tomatoes, basil, lettuce, and onions and garlic. I can't wait for the garlic. I am planning on roasting it in the oven and using it for spreads and dips. Or, I may just eat it plain with some bread. :)
Hi, there!
I was jut scanning the blogs after visiting my sister's blog and found yours. I think it's great when people, in this busy busy time try any new way possible to keep in contact with their loved ones. I am always learning from others and appreciate folks like you, I was 40 somethin once too. Now, I have a store on the web an a blog. Thanks for sharing, Hope those veggies do well!
Pat (patbiv)
Hey there! I was hoping maybe I'd find you on here. :) Your garden looks great! About half of mine is doing great.
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